Winter attacks!

Between the freezing rain on Sunday, the wind on Monday and Tuesday, and the snow today, I think it’s safe to say that winter is attacking. The snow that’s been coming down for most of the day is sticking to most surfaces…a nice wet snow. It’s beautiful. I love how it transforms everything into a white wonderland, covering up all the city grime. All day my friend and colleague KS has been practically dancing in her chair (you can read about her excitement on her blog). I have to admit snow really makes it feel like winter for me too. It makes me want to snuggle up in the house with a steaming mug of hot cocoa after a cold walk in the snow with the dog.

Speaking of Aussie, here is a description of what she sounds like when out in the snow:

snuffle snuffle snuffle
foof! [sharp exhale sending an explosion of snow into the air around her nose]
snuffle snuffle
snuffle snuffle…

And then she attacks it. No joke. Attacks the snow. Hates the rain. Not too fond of the cold either, she takes care of business pretty quickly when it’s chilly out. Unless there’s snow involved. Then she must inspect every. single. pile. of. snow. And nothing can make her hurry up. Not even me imploring her because my toes are getting cold. She’s in the land o’ snow and is lost to the rest of the world.

snuffle snuffle snuffle
snuffle snuffle…

Side note: this post marks one full year of blogging for me. My blog is ONE YEAR OLD. That’s longer than I’ve ever managed to keep a journal or diary before…guess I really did form that habit after all.

About slmcdanold

I’m learning to laugh at myself on a daily basis. I’m a librarian (cataloger) and I love it. My job involves all things metadata related in any and all formats. I have been known to cause a ruckus when necessary (aka troublesome cataloger) and make no apologies for it. I have a passion for continuing education and teaching. I’m a newbie coder (still learning). I like to cook. I’m a fan of rugby (go Australian Wallabies!) and ice hockey (go Detroit Red Wings!). I’m car-free and bike/walk a lot. I’m learning to love running one stride at a time. I own (and love) a very mouthy cat with a punk attitude and a slightly neurotic rescue mutt.
This entry was posted in Aussie, dog, snow, weather, winter. Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Winter attacks!

  1. Catechresis says:

    This was a great discription. Care to give the “Tail Must Die” arr-arr-wwooo bark a try? =)Congrats on one year of blogging! I guess that means *I*’ve been blogging for that long, too! Woot!

  2. Happy blog-o-versary!k

  3. Anh says:

    yaaah! Happy Blogiversary! hey, I have a new wintertime favorite snack: poutine! I made some with my kick ass turkey gravy and homefries and just about died.

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