Back into the chaos

So I’m back from ALA. I returned home on Wed., July 2nd and dove right back into the thick of things. I realize I’m two conferences behind on reports (NASIG and ALA), and I haven’t posted a general update about things going on at work or with the apartment hunt. I’ll start with the easy one, the general update. Watch for conference reports later this week as I get them written up. Here is the general update in a nice bulleted list:

*I found an apartment. The application was accepted while I was in Anaheim. I’ll move in about two weeks. I spent my long holiday weekend cleaning, purging, and organizing so I can pack (I do not need office supplies in three different rooms on two different floors!). TWO WEEKS!! EEK! More details later.

*Much of my time at work the past three weeks has been spent training new staff. This week we also begin the interview process to hire my intern. Which means that once my new staff person starts to be independent, I’ll have an intern to train. I now dub this the summer of staff training.

*The task force formed to facilitate the current phase of the reorganization at work has begun meeting. We’re still trying to figure out what we’re supposed to be doing and how to go about bringing together three departments/units into one department. We’re beginning by examining workflows and trying to streamline them. I’m still trying to just go with the flow and reserve judgment about the end result.

*The dog is fine. Sending her to the kennel with her own food seems to have alleviated the post-kennel gastrointestinal issues she was having. I think the weather (rather humid) is slowing her down as her energy level was really low over the weekend. Either that or she was exhausted watching me go up and down the stairs ten-thousand times as I sorted and organized everything to prepare to pack my house. Fortunately, she continues to not be bothered by thunderstorms or fireworks, which made my life much easier given the neighborhood festivities surrounding the 4th of July.

That’s it. My life right now is consumed by moving preparations and work. At least it’s keeping me out of trouble, right?

About slmcdanold

I’m learning to laugh at myself on a daily basis. I’m a librarian (cataloger) and I love it. My job involves all things metadata related in any and all formats. I have been known to cause a ruckus when necessary (aka troublesome cataloger) and make no apologies for it. I have a passion for continuing education and teaching. I’m a newbie coder (still learning). I like to cook. I’m a fan of rugby (go Australian Wallabies!) and ice hockey (go Detroit Red Wings!). I’m car-free and bike/walk a lot. I’m learning to love running one stride at a time. I own (and love) a very mouthy cat with a punk attitude and a slightly neurotic rescue mutt.
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